James Kennedy

James Kennedy

Licensing: RS369076

James' experience as a landlord and house flipper enhances his ability to provide practical guidance on real estate investments. Through firsthand knowledge of managing capital, full-gut renovations, tenant relations, property maintenance, and rental market dynamics, James brings a holistic understanding of the investor's role to his advisory approach.

James's academic achievements are a testament to his dedication to knowledge and growth. He earned an A.S. in Arts & Sciences from Rowan College at Gloucester County, a B.S. in Environmental Science & Policy from Wilmington University, and an M.S. in Biological Sciences & Physical Sciences from Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine.

Before becoming a real estate agent, James worked for Merck in West Point, PA.

Beyond his professional and academic accomplishments, James's rich personal history as a former NCAA Division II Cross-Country and Track & Field athlete reflects his discipline, tenacity, and ability to excel under pressure.

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